How does Card's views on gay marriage affect your opinion of his book?
I think the Book “Enders Games” should be separate from Orson Scotts personal life. I like the book and it doesn’t seem to change my mind about reading the book, its a great book.
Should Mr. Vack remove this book from his class's reading curriculum?
No, i don’t think you should remove the book from the class, its a great book and his personal life should be separate from his books and movies. There is nothing in the book to do with “Anti-Gay”
What do you think about the movie company trying to keep Card "out of the limelight?"
I think its a good idea that they're keeping him out of the limelight. Its a good idea he is not attracting attention there could be boycotts going on, they want people to go to the movie and spend money on it but the boycotts might stop some people.
Do you think this movie should be boycotted?
No this movie shouldn’t be “boycotted” I think each person should make their own destination to see the movie, they don’t have to make a big deal out of it and “boycott” and try people to not see the movie.
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