Chapter 9 – Locke and Demosthenes
1)Peter has always been evil and violent and Valentine is nice and knows what the respectable thing to is. Valentine is trying to make sure Ender never becomes like peter, or anybody really. Peter is manipulating Valentine because he’s forcing her to write things even though she doesn’t believe in what she is writing. I think that Valentine feels bad for helping Peter control the others.To me Valentine has the power, but she doesn’t quite know it yet. I think of it like in middle school you're judged upon how popular you are, but what really matters is how smart you are.
2) Ender is still angry because he no longer has any control over his life and every decision and right of his was taken away. All that Ender loved was either taken away or controlled by the teachers of the battle school and Valentine, who was all he had left, is now taken over by them too.
3. Ender is still angry because none of the people around him are close enough to him to relate to him or be friends to him; it makes him mad that they all look up to and honor him so much. He hates how having the respect of everyone means that all his peers are bland and uninteresting
Chapter 10 – Dragon
1)Ender is a strict leader. His expectations are high for the soldiers, so he expects them to be in the best shape. Ender is a good leader because he was able to take all the good features of the people who were around him, like his old commanders. Ender did have a soft side for Bean because he has sympathy towards him though.
2) Ender put Bean on the spot and made it seem like he was much better than all of the other boys. Bean, being the smallest of them, was quickly resented for making the others feel dumb. Ender looked to Bean for answers and told the other boys, "... At least I have one soldier who can figure things out..." Ender was treated the exact same way by Colonel Graff and he knew that Bean was a quick-thinking, cocky boy. At first, Ender probably just wanted to have someone else to feel his pain, but after doing it, Ender regretted making him feel bad. Still, Ender knew that Bean would be a good soldier.
3. Salam means "peace be unto you". The 'sallam' said between Ender and Alai shows the power of religious identity is very strong. Alai was only willing to share that word with Ender because he trusted him and that was how he wanted to be seen. Alai saw the meaning of 'salaam' as a part of his past and who he was, and he wanted Ender to see that depth of his being.
4) Ender had to work with a brand new army with completely new faces. Major Anderson said that he wasn't allowed to practice with Shen and Alai anymore. The teachers and Graff wanted to see how Ender reacted. It’s all still a test to see whether Ender is capable of leading these armies. I feel like maybe Graff doesn’t want Ender to make any strong connections with his friends. Maybe it’s because he doesn’t want Ender to be sad if one of them dies in combat. Even though Ender isn’t to thrilled about the change he still is teaching his new army.
Chapter 11.
1.I think the computer “knows” Ender through the information that the monitor stored when it was in his head. But there are still some things that it doesn’t know about him. I think the computer is kind of meant to make him think that the computer really does understand everything that’s going on just to confuse him.
2. When Ender says "Yes. That's the worst that could happen. I can't lose any games. Because if I lose any-" (198). He means that he has to be absolutely rock solid and perfect. If he loses a game, then the teachers and the other armies know that he can be broken and that there are ways to stop him. If he loses one then it may become a pattern and he may start losing many games, and he would lose all of his stature and credibility as the best. If he is not the best then he might as well be the worst.
3)Even though Ender might not fully understand it now , but I think it’s good that the teachers are making battle school so hard for Ender. They know Ender has a lot of potential and they need him to reach it if they want to win. Especially Graff. I think Graff is actually really scared to lose to the buggers and Ender is like a blessing to him. Ender will thank them later.
4.The last few sentences are about Bean thinking of strategies in battle. Ender told him to come up with stupid things to do that the other armies won’t expect because he has run out of ideas himself. He reminds Bean that he is the quickest thinker and believes in him. He gives him 5 students to teach in a extra practice time so that Bean can teach them the new “stupid strategies”
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